Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on Xorg
(too old to reply)
2024-06-11 15:18:04 UTC
Has anyone found a way to successfully log in to Ubuntu 24.04 with the
'Ubuntu on Xorg' ?

When I attempt to log in, I select the Gear icon in the lower right hand
corner of the screen and select 'Ubuntu on Xorg', then add my password.
Fails every time! Do the developers expect everyone to just sit on
their hands until they get around to it. At this point, I can't even
consider using/recommending 24.04! Maybe I should move to a distro that
cares about their users. I'm getting really sick of having code stuffed
down my throat.

I have tried numerous things and nothing works! I can't help but
believe that Canonical has purposely done this to try to force everyone
to Wayland. The problem is that I NEED to run a vnc/rdp to my remote
systems and all the vnc/rdp programs that I have found require Xorg.

I sure am hoping that someone of you have found a workaround. (sorry for
the rant!)

Mike Easter
2024-06-11 16:11:26 UTC
Post by rsutton
Has anyone found a way to successfully log in to Ubuntu 24.04 with the
'Ubuntu on Xorg' ?
I'm reading:


has ability to WaylandEnable=false or WaylandEnable=true

... but that was for 22.04.
Mike Easter
Mike Easter
2024-06-11 16:22:06 UTC
Post by rsutton
Has anyone found a way to successfully log in to Ubuntu 24.04 with the
'Ubuntu on Xorg' ?
has ability to WaylandEnable=false or WaylandEnable=true
... but that was for 22.04.
Oops. I'm now reading that that article pertains to several Ub v/s incl

System Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04 Desktop
18 April 2024 by Korbin Brown
Mike Easter
Mike Easter
2024-06-11 16:50:34 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
WaylandEnable=false or WaylandEnable=true
I was wondering if one could do that w/ a boot parameter booting a live
session, so I dl/ed & hashchecked the 24.04 .iso. I was chagrined to
note what a fatty the .iso was at 6.1 gig, which not only takes up room
on a stick, but lengthens the time to dl even a torrent or hashcheck.
Very annoying. If they are going to make a fat version .iso, they
should also make a leaner desktop one like some other distro/s provide a
'minimal'. What happened to the days of 3G .iso distro/s?

That whole business took so much time I was able to find a place that
discussed boot parameters in great detail and there wasn't anything in
there that said anything about controlling Wayland w/ a boot parameter.
Mike Easter
Mike Easter
2024-06-11 17:42:33 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
I dl/ed & hashchecked the 24.04 .iso.
I booted a live 24.04 off Ventoy stick. On my system, it came up in
XWayland/X11 instead of wayland:

$ inxi -G
Device-1: AMD RS880 [Radeon HD 4200] driver: radeon v: kernel
Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.11 with: Xwayland v: 23.2.6 driver: X:
loaded: radeon unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa dri: r600 gpu: radeon
resolution: 1366x768~60Hz
API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: kms_swrast,r600,swrast
platforms: gbm,x11,surfaceless,device
API: OpenGL v: 4.5 compat-v: 3.3 vendor: mesa v: 24.0.5-1ubuntu1
renderer: AMD RS880 (DRM 2.50.0 / 6.8.0-31-generic LLVM 17.0.6)

... and the aforementioned custom.conf in etc/gdm3 default says
Mike Easter
2024-06-11 21:41:32 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
I dl/ed & hashchecked the 24.04 .iso.
I booted a live 24.04 off Ventoy stick.  On my system, it came up in
$ inxi -G
  Device-1: AMD RS880 [Radeon HD 4200] driver: radeon v: kernel
  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.11 with: Xwayland v: 23.2.6
    loaded: radeon unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa dri: r600 gpu: radeon
    resolution: 1366x768~60Hz
  API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: kms_swrast,r600,swrast
    platforms: gbm,x11,surfaceless,device
  API: OpenGL v: 4.5 compat-v: 3.3 vendor: mesa v: 24.0.5-1ubuntu1
    renderer: AMD RS880 (DRM 2.50.0 / 6.8.0-31-generic LLVM 17.0.6)
... and the aforementioned custom.conf in etc/gdm3 default says
I had already tried that gdm3 custom.conf setting as my first attempt.
I have used it as part of installing x11vnc in the past. I just can't
believe that they released a new iso so obviously flawed. Oh well,
maybe someone will fix it in a year or two. I'm really getting pissed
at the ubuntu devs. Anyway, thanks Mike, for taking time to try to
rustle up something for me.

2024-06-12 05:11:18 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
Post by Mike Easter
I dl/ed & hashchecked the 24.04 .iso.
$ inxi -G
   Device-1: AMD RS880 [Radeon HD 4200] driver: radeon v: kernel
     loaded: radeon unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa dri: r600 gpu: radeon
     resolution: 1366x768~60Hz
   API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: kms_swrast,r600,swrast
     platforms: gbm,x11,surfaceless,device
   API: OpenGL v: 4.5 compat-v: 3.3 vendor: mesa v: 24.0.5-1ubuntu1
     renderer: AMD RS880 (DRM 2.50.0 / 6.8.0-31-generic LLVM 17.0.6)
... and the aforementioned custom.conf in etc/gdm3 default says WaylandEnable=false
I had already tried that gdm3 custom.conf setting as my first attempt. I have used it as part of installing x11vnc in the past.  I just can't believe that they released a new iso so obviously flawed.  Oh well, maybe someone will fix it in a year or two.  I'm really getting pissed at the ubuntu devs.  Anyway, thanks Mike, for taking time to try to rustle up something for me.
I think I saw somewhere, that the custom.conf setting "affects the login box".

I got a variety of symptoms.

First attempt at an upgrade, "blew up". It was trying to remove the
Thunderbird .deb and replace it with Thunderbird Snap instead. And
it seemed to stall. I wasn't waiting a week for the stupid thing to

After a lot of repair attempts, I just restored from backup and
started back at 23.10 again.

I removed Thunderbird manually, so it would not get caught the same
way a second time.

I was greeted by 640x480 graphics. I haven't seen "tiny screen disease" in yonks.


Loading Image...

You can't use Additional Drivers because the button at the bottom
can't be seen. You can tab and use your imagination as to where
the selector is going. Maybe I did that.

One thread I could find, recommended switching to Nouveau, then doing this.

sudo apt remove nvidia-* # clean up Ubu 24.04 probs
sudo apt autoremove \___ Optional?
sudo apt autoclean /

After that, use Additional Drivers and switch from Nouveau back to NVidia.

But the result still doesn't show a driver I like.


Loading Image...

The video card gets 20,000 under native X11, and 11,000 is about
right when Wayland is in control.

Whatever that process was supposed to be, it still "smells like Beta".
I think the Beta ISO worked better.

2024-06-12 01:44:45 UTC
Post by rsutton
Has anyone found a way to successfully log in to Ubuntu 24.04 with the
'Ubuntu on Xorg' ?
Not yet. Always wait until the 04.1 release comes out. Always!
Post by rsutton
<snip> The problem is that I NEED to run a vnc/rdp to my remote
systems and all the vnc/rdp programs that I have found require Xorg.
I'm still on 22.04 but I do use wayland on a laptop with intel graphics
and I have no issues with vnc/rdp clients I use. VNC clients don't work
on 24.04?

env |grep -i xdg_session
Joerg Walther
2024-06-12 15:24:37 UTC
Post by rsutton
The problem is that I NEED to run a vnc/rdp to my remote
systems and all the vnc/rdp programs that I have found require Xorg.
Remmina works perfectly fine with Wayland on Ubuntu 22.04 and supports

And now for something completely different...
2024-06-13 13:21:00 UTC
Post by Joerg Walther
Post by rsutton
The problem is that I NEED to run a vnc/rdp to my remote
systems and all the vnc/rdp programs that I have found require Xorg.
Remmina works perfectly fine with Wayland on Ubuntu 22.04 and supports
Thanks for that info, but I need a client that runs on windows. Many
remote devices all using windows.
2024-06-13 02:32:06 UTC
Post by rsutton
Has anyone found a way to successfully log in to Ubuntu 24.04 with the
'Ubuntu on Xorg' ?
When I attempt to log in, I select the Gear icon in the lower right hand
corner of the screen and select 'Ubuntu on Xorg', then add my password.
Fails every time! Do the developers expect everyone to just sit on
their hands until they get around to it. At this point, I can't even
consider using/recommending 24.04! Maybe I should move to a distro that
cares about their users. I'm getting really sick of having code stuffed
down my throat.
Ubuntu is Free so in efect you are getting an OS for nothing. The developers
have no moral, or legal obligation to fix it.

If you do not like Unbuntu then trying another distro may be a solution.
Post by rsutton
I have tried numerous things and nothing works! I can't help but
believe that Canonical has purposely done this to try to force everyone
to Wayland. The problem is that I NEED to run a vnc/rdp to my remote
systems and all the vnc/rdp programs that I have found require Xorg.
I sure am hoping that someone of you have found a workaround. (sorry for
the rant!)
2024-06-13 13:28:38 UTC
Post by Gordon
Post by rsutton
Has anyone found a way to successfully log in to Ubuntu 24.04 with the
'Ubuntu on Xorg' ?
When I attempt to log in, I select the Gear icon in the lower right hand
corner of the screen and select 'Ubuntu on Xorg', then add my password.
Fails every time! Do the developers expect everyone to just sit on
their hands until they get around to it. At this point, I can't even
consider using/recommending 24.04! Maybe I should move to a distro that
cares about their users. I'm getting really sick of having code stuffed
down my throat.
Ubuntu is Free so in efect you are getting an OS for nothing. The developers
have no moral, or legal obligation to fix it.
If you do not like Unbuntu then trying another distro may be a solution.
Post by rsutton
I have tried numerous things and nothing works! I can't help but
believe that Canonical has purposely done this to try to force everyone
to Wayland. The problem is that I NEED to run a vnc/rdp to my remote
systems and all the vnc/rdp programs that I have found require Xorg.
I sure am hoping that someone of you have found a workaround. (sorry for
the rant!)
You know, I also getting pretty sick of people on the forums say
essentially "what do expect for free", or "if you don't like it, go
somewhere else". I'm looking for a work-around, not a complete shift to
something else. The linux community is always looking for the Year of
The Linux Desktop. You can see that the devs have their agenda and it's
not their user base. I don't hear/see demands for "more systemd!" or
"more Wayland" or "more feature drop".
2024-06-13 22:24:20 UTC
Post by rsutton
Post by Gordon
Post by rsutton
Has anyone found a way to successfully log in to Ubuntu 24.04 with the
'Ubuntu on Xorg' ?
When I attempt to log in, I select the Gear icon in the lower right hand
corner of the screen and select 'Ubuntu on Xorg', then add my password.
Fails every time!  Do the developers expect everyone to just sit on
their hands until they get around to it.  At this point, I can't even
consider using/recommending 24.04!  Maybe I should move to a distro that
cares about their users.  I'm getting really sick of having code stuffed
down my throat.
Ubuntu is Free so in efect you are getting an OS for nothing. The developers
have no moral, or legal obligation to fix it.
If you do not like Unbuntu then trying another distro may be a solution.
Post by rsutton
I have tried numerous things and nothing works!  I can't help but
believe that Canonical has purposely done this to try to force everyone
to Wayland.  The problem is that I NEED to run a vnc/rdp to my remote
systems and all the vnc/rdp programs that I have found require Xorg.
I sure am hoping that someone of you have found a workaround. (sorry for
the rant!)
You know, I also getting pretty sick of people on the forums say essentially "what do expect for free", or "if you don't like it, go somewhere else".  I'm looking for a work-around, not a complete shift to something else.  The linux community is always looking for the Year of The Linux Desktop.  You can see that the devs have their agenda and it's not their user base.  I don't hear/see demands for "more systemd!" or "more Wayland" or "more feature drop".
AlternativeTo listed this one.


# mRemoteNG is a fork of mRemote: remote connections manager for Windows.

https://github.com/mRemoteNG/mRemoteNG/releases/download/2023.03.03-v1.77.3-nb/mRemoteNG-Installer-1.77.3.nb-1784.msi # Windows, install
https://github.com/mRemoteNG/mRemoteNG/releases/download/2022.06.13-v1.77.3-nb/Portable.-.1.77.3.NB.rar # Windows, Portable

Supported protocols:

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
SSH (Secure Shell)
Telnet (TELecommunication NETwork)
HTTP/HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
rlogin (Remote Login)
Raw Socket Connections
Powershell remoting

You could also try running Remmina under WSL/WSLg. Which might give you a
rootless window to use. I don't know how hard it is to do something like
that. WSLg is a rather tortured stack to begin with, as it seems to
use Terminal Services as one layer in the stack. I think a GLXGears test
a couple years ago, was about 350FPS or so. Which means the stack is
software emulation all the way and no hardware acceleration to speak of.

Win10 WSL, use XMing for an XServer does work
Win11 WSL, WSLg (no longer need XMing there).

I run Linux Firefox on Windows using WSL2. As an example of a
relatively frequent application usage. I use a different version
of Firefox on the Windows side.

2024-06-14 14:07:35 UTC
Post by Paul
Post by rsutton
Post by Gordon
Post by rsutton
Has anyone found a way to successfully log in to Ubuntu 24.04 with the
'Ubuntu on Xorg' ?
When I attempt to log in, I select the Gear icon in the lower right hand
corner of the screen and select 'Ubuntu on Xorg', then add my password.
Fails every time!  Do the developers expect everyone to just sit on
their hands until they get around to it.  At this point, I can't even
consider using/recommending 24.04!  Maybe I should move to a distro that
cares about their users.  I'm getting really sick of having code stuffed
down my throat.
Ubuntu is Free so in efect you are getting an OS for nothing. The developers
have no moral, or legal obligation to fix it.
If you do not like Unbuntu then trying another distro may be a solution.
Post by rsutton
I have tried numerous things and nothing works!  I can't help but
believe that Canonical has purposely done this to try to force everyone
to Wayland.  The problem is that I NEED to run a vnc/rdp to my remote
systems and all the vnc/rdp programs that I have found require Xorg.
I sure am hoping that someone of you have found a workaround. (sorry for
the rant!)
You know, I also getting pretty sick of people on the forums say essentially "what do expect for free", or "if you don't like it, go somewhere else".  I'm looking for a work-around, not a complete shift to something else.  The linux community is always looking for the Year of The Linux Desktop.  You can see that the devs have their agenda and it's not their user base.  I don't hear/see demands for "more systemd!" or "more Wayland" or "more feature drop".
AlternativeTo listed this one.
# mRemoteNG is a fork of mRemote: remote connections manager for Windows.
https://github.com/mRemoteNG/mRemoteNG/releases/download/2023.03.03-v1.77.3-nb/mRemoteNG-Installer-1.77.3.nb-1784.msi # Windows, install
https://github.com/mRemoteNG/mRemoteNG/releases/download/2022.06.13-v1.77.3-nb/Portable.-.1.77.3.NB.rar # Windows, Portable
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
SSH (Secure Shell)
Telnet (TELecommunication NETwork)
HTTP/HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
rlogin (Remote Login)
Raw Socket Connections
Powershell remoting
You could also try running Remmina under WSL/WSLg. Which might give you a
rootless window to use. I don't know how hard it is to do something like
that. WSLg is a rather tortured stack to begin with, as it seems to
use Terminal Services as one layer in the stack. I think a GLXGears test
a couple years ago, was about 350FPS or so. Which means the stack is
software emulation all the way and no hardware acceleration to speak of.
Win10 WSL, use XMing for an XServer does work
Win11 WSL, WSLg (no longer need XMing there).
I run Linux Firefox on Windows using WSL2. As an example of a
relatively frequent application usage. I use a different version
of Firefox on the Windows side.
Thanks, Paul. I'll look into those and see if they work for me.

