telnet command to issue audible alert?
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Hugh Johns
2024-04-04 17:15:48 UTC
Running telnet on 22.04. Is there a command to issue an audible alert
when new data appears? Thanks.
2024-04-05 00:20:12 UTC
Running telnet on 22.04.  Is there a command to issue an audible alert when new data appears?  Thanks.
Telnet is interactive, not job or batch based.

There is no reason for the feature to exist in the way you want it.

When you have a Telex machine dialed into Reuters, Reuters sends
<ctrl>-G, the bell character, indicating "incoming article". The
BEL character 0x07 hex, was intended for the "alert function".
Sometimes they would send individual news articles over the Telex,
and an operator would not know something was coming in, unless
they happened to hear the BEL.

However, that requires cooperation from the serving end. The
people sending the information, need to understand that an
audible alert should be included. On a Telex or Teletype machine,
a real bell is used, and a hammer strikes it. On a computer,
BEL makes a beep noise, which is annoying if used to excess.


It's a long shot, but find the Accessibility section of the
OS, where help is provided for vision-impaired or hearing-impaired

You may be able to select TTS (text to speech) and have the
contents of the Telnet window read aloud to you. When new
information comes in, you would hear the voice start up
while it reads the content.

But short of editing the source of PuTTY terminal emulator
and adding a feature there, I don't think a convenient tick
box exists for what you want. In a Google, I can see someone
asked for it, but the answers were similar to mine. DIY.

Josef Möllers
2024-04-05 08:09:40 UTC
Post by Paul
Running telnet on 22.04.  Is there a command to issue an audible alert when new data appears?  Thanks.
Telnet is interactive, not job or batch based.
There is no reason for the feature to exist in the way you want it.
When you have a Telex machine dialed into Reuters, Reuters sends
<ctrl>-G, the bell character, indicating "incoming article". The
BEL character 0x07 hex, was intended for the "alert function".
Sometimes they would send individual news articles over the Telex,
and an operator would not know something was coming in, unless
they happened to hear the BEL.
However, that requires cooperation from the serving end. The
people sending the information, need to understand that an
audible alert should be included. On a Telex or Teletype machine,
a real bell is used, and a hammer strikes it. On a computer,
BEL makes a beep noise, which is annoying if used to excess.
No, the serving side would not need to cooperate. If the receiving end
senses incoming data after a certain threshold, it could very well sound
an audible alarm signalling that fact without help from the sending end.
Afair I have never looked into the telnet sources, but one could eg
record the time of incoming data and if the difference between two
events exceeds the threshold, an audible alert could be raised.

Anton Ertl
2024-04-06 17:29:08 UTC
Post by Paul
When you have a Telex machine dialed into Reuters, Reuters sends
<ctrl>-G, the bell character, indicating "incoming article". The
BEL character 0x07 hex, was intended for the "alert function".
Sometimes they would send individual news articles over the Telex,
and an operator would not know something was coming in, unless
they happened to hear the BEL.
I find it hard to believe that an operator would not hear it when a
Telex machine starts or stops rattling.

A more plausible reason for having BEL at the start and/or end of an
article is so that the operator notices that a new article has started
when there are several articles sent without intervening pause.

- anton
M. Anton Ertl Some things have to be seen to be believed
***@mips.complang.tuwien.ac.at Most things have to be believed to be seen
Mr. Man-wai Chang
2024-04-07 04:52:51 UTC
Post by Hugh Johns
Running telnet on 22.04. Is there a command to issue an audible alert
when new data appears? Thanks.
Play a MP3 using MPG123 or MPG321? :)
