Kubuntu: mailto-Links in Chrome doesn't open Evolution
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Don Bollwitz
2016-06-14 16:07:44 UTC
Hi Folks,

Email-links (mailto:) in Chrome doesn't open the Evolution i use, but
KMail (i don't use) in Kubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Chrome is set as the Standard-Browser: Klicking Hyperlinks in Evolution,
for example, opens Chrome.

Things, i have still configured:
KDE System settings -> Default Applications -> Email-program: Radiobutton
to "Use another": evolution %U

Installed gconf, then: / -> desktop -> gnome -> url-handlers -> mailto ->
command: evolution %U (enabled: yes, needs terminal: no)

It doesn't work. Has someone an idea, how to solve this problem?

-=| Refugees welcome! |=-
Mike Easter
2016-06-14 17:58:07 UTC
Post by Don Bollwitz
Email-links (mailto:) in Chrome doesn't open the Evolution i use, but
KMail (i don't use) in Kubuntu 16.04 LTS.
I see this problem described in the chrome help forum.

Firefox is the default browser for Kub. Do mailto links work properly
in Ffx? In the forum discussion other browsers opened the correct mail
app for those experiencing your problem with chrome.

In the forum, someone suggested putting an extension on chrome as a

If mailto works correctly in ffx, one experiment I might try is to
change the default browser to ffx and then back to chrome.

Similarly, the experiment I might try before that is to change the
default mailagent to KMail and then back to Evolution.

In order to punctuate any changes, I would log out and back in.
Mike Easter
Mike Easter
2016-06-14 18:41:35 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
Post by Don Bollwitz
Email-links (mailto:) in Chrome doesn't open the Evolution i use,
but KMail (i don't use) in Kubuntu 16.04 LTS.
I see this problem described in the chrome help forum.
In another forum discussion of the problem, it was solved by killing a
conflicting extension/add-on.

Chrome doesn't have the handy function of Ffx to restart with all
extensions disabled, so you have to do that manually. If you have a
lot, I would disable all of them first and then re-enable them by 'half'
as many.

The offending add-on in the forum was an ad blocker.
Mike Easter
Don Bollwitz
2016-06-14 21:14:07 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
The offending add-on in the forum was an ad blocker.
Thanks for your help! Indeed: Firefox opens Email-links with Evolution,
as it should. Switching the apps and/or disactivating Adblock didn't work
here. Tomorrow i'll try to start Chrome in safe-mode without any addons.
If i find a solution, i'll post it here.

-=| Refugees welcome! |=-
2016-06-15 10:52:45 UTC
Post by Don Bollwitz
Post by Mike Easter
The offending add-on in the forum was an ad blocker.
Thanks for your help! Indeed: Firefox opens Email-links with Evolution,
as it should. Switching the apps and/or disactivating Adblock didn't
work here. Tomorrow i'll try to start Chrome in safe-mode without any
addons. If i find a solution, i'll post it here.
Greets Don
And don't forget to file this bug.
I have seen similar behavior with other progs, it should be nice if it
got fixed but I wouldn't hold my breath.


Mike Easter
2016-06-14 21:55:26 UTC
Post by Don Bollwitz
Chrome is set as the Standard-Browser: Klicking Hyperlinks in Evolution,
for example, opens Chrome.
How did you install Chrome? Is your Kub 64 or 32 bit?

Did you dl the .deb or do it online?
Mike Easter
Don Bollwitz
2016-06-14 23:22:04 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
How did you install Chrome? Is your Kub 64 or 32 bit?
Did you dl the .deb or do it online?
I used the link above and downloaded the 64 bit .deb-package.
May this cause problems?
-=| Refugees welcome! |=-
Mike Easter
2016-06-15 00:25:12 UTC
Post by Don Bollwitz
Chrome doesn't open the Evolution i use
Installing Evolution, the gnome suite, in Kub 16.04 requires additional
62 packages to be installed.

Installing Chrome and its .ppa using the web interface also requires a
'bundle' of additional packages.

Evolution isn't KDE-based and Chrome is a 'generic' .deb, not a Ub/Kub

I installed Evolution (using synaptic) and Chrome using the web/.deb/ppa
process in a live Kub 16.04, now I'm trying to find a mailto to test.
Mike Easter
Don Bollwitz
2016-06-15 00:56:46 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
Post by Don Bollwitz
Chrome doesn't open the Evolution i use
Installing Evolution, the gnome suite, in Kub 16.04 requires additional
62 packages to be installed.
Installing Chrome and its .ppa using the web interface also requires a
'bundle' of additional packages.
Evolution isn't KDE-based and Chrome is a 'generic' .deb, not a Ub/Kub
I installed Evolution (using synaptic) and Chrome using the web/.deb/ppa
process in a live Kub 16.04, now I'm trying to find a mailto to test.
I can not believe that this are the problems, because:

- Evolutions works fine here with fully functionality, and mailto-links
in Firefox (for example) are transfered to Evolution.

- Chrome works fine here: Hyperlinks in Evolution (for example) are
transfered to Chrome.

I guess, there are problems with the "protocol-handlers" in Settings ->
Data Protection -> Content Settings in Chrome: The box is empty here, so
i can not configure mailto. I found following thread about this issue:


But threads in this kind treat Gmail-Webmail failures, i don't know how
to modify "javascript:navigator.registerProtocolHandler("mailto","https://
mail.google.com/mail/?extsrc=mailto&url=%s","Gmail")" for external apps
like Evolution.

Then i found following xdg-settings console-command:

"xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler mailto evolution.desktop"

But this works not, too.

-=| Refugees welcome! |=-